The new model is thus used for those projections and you can also use the new model yourself. Let me know if you find a problem.
Some comments about those latest projections. It's almost sad: more than 2 years after the last election, a lot of talk, a lot of ads, and where are we now? At almost the very same situations! Of course, the difference being that the Conservatives would start a campaign projected at 10 seats shy from a majority, something that hasn't been the case in the past. But still, things are pretty stable. However, this overall stability hides some real variations at the province-level. For instance, the CPC is now stronger than ever in Ontario but has declined a little bit in the West.
I'm still predicting no elections this spring. There will be a lot of noise around the budget, but at the end, one party will pass it along the Tories. Or this party will simply not have enough MPs for the vote. I'm predicting this party to be the NDP who will jump on the first measure they could back.