For the Liberals, they seem to have gone up in the Atlantic and as I've said, in Ontario. The last Ekos poll also shows them quite high in Quebec, but numbers are a little bit off in this province with the Bloc at only 28%. So I wouldn't trust these numbers too much. Nevertheless, Michael Ignatieff is still very far from even dreaming of forming the government. Best case scenario seems to bring Harper to another minority, and a smaller one than in 2008. What would that mean for the next House of Commons? I have no idea. Seriously, with a coalition all but ruled out, it seems that we would get the same minority government as before. I always wonder what would be considered as a loss or a win for Ignatieff. A Conservatives majority would sure send him back to Harvard, but how many gains does he need over Stephane Dion's results in order to claim some kind of victory?
The NDP is slightly going down, even thought this party is resilient as far as seats are concerned. Thanks to a large increase in Quebec, Jack Layton could get another MP from this province. That would already be quite an achievement. They are projected to win 11 out of 16 close races, a number a little bit too high. If you have an election pool, I would suggest to put the NDP around 32 seats, not 35.
The Greens don't have any projected MP, nor do they even have a close race. Even May would fall short. And since it seems she definitely won't be part of the debates, the potential for grotwh isn't big for this party.
Finally, the Bloc is down a little bit and would lose a couple of seats, largely due to the increase of the NDP and the Liberals.
The riding-by-riding projections are available here.
This week, my article in the national post will be about the GTA and Vancouver, in particular: can the Tories really get new MPs there. It will be available on Friday, like last week.